Monthly Archives: September 2014

  1. Tuscany Trip (Pt. 3): It is a Sin to Drink Wine without Food

    Tuscany Wine Trip

    After I got back from Tuscany, I noticed that I had gained a bit of weight.  At first I thought this was a bit unusual because it seemed I ate well, but moved around quite a bit. Then it dawned on me. I wasn’t just having three squares a day over in Tuscany I was constantly munching on something. You see, Italians view drinking wine as something you do with food, even if it is just with bread and cheese. 

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  2. Tuscany Trip (Pt. 2): Where the beauty of land, food and wine are inseparable

    Tuscan Wine Trip

    Trying to discuss in a blog all the wines I tasted in Tuscany is a bit like showing slides of your trip to Europe in 5 minutes – your guests might be relieved, but what did they really see?  So for the sake of your sanity, dear reader, I will mention just a few wines and then focus on some you can purchase without selling your children.

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  3. Tuscany Trip (Pt. 1): Where the beauty of land, food and wine are inseparable

    Tuscan Wine Trip

    Recently I returned from a trip to Tuscany for work.  Okay… you can stop laughing now.  Really. It was for work. I’m not saying it wasn’t glorious, because it was.  But it truly was a work trip.  My colleagues and I visited nine wineries in five days and drove several miles on winding roads with tricky signage and a GPS system with a voice that sounded a bit like Helen Miren on Quaaludes.  But close calls (including driving down the wrong way on a very narrow one way road) and screaming back seat drivers aside, how often does one get to experience some of the most beautiful vistas, eat some of the most extraordinary cuisine or taste some of the finest wine on the planet in one relatively small region?

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